In addition to documentation specific to its services, the Restena Foundation provides guidance, advice and information to its individual users through a dedicated Helpdesk team.

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So am I anonymous when I am connected to eduroam?
If you do not respect the code of conduct at a connection point and there are legal proceedings that require the disclosure of your identity, the Restena Foundation, like the other eduroam identity providers, is able to do this. At the Restena Foundation, we intend to comply with the law and will act accordingly.
Even though my eduroam connection is working, certain applications are not responding (and yet I do not experience any problems at home). What is not working?
When you connect to a connection point, the operator in charge of this point is able to choose which applications a visitor is authorised to use. Hence, they can block certain ports.
If the connection point refuses the use of certain applications or ports, you can use the virtual private network (VPN) provided by the Restena Foundation or, as the case may be, by your institution of origin. Activating the VPN will allow you to access the RESTENA network or that of your institution directly.
Can a connection point outside the borders of Luxembourg gain access to my password?
Not under any circumstances. Your password is encrypted all along its route to the authentication servers of your identity provider (the Restena Foundation if you have an account of the type and/or a RESTENA user account). Only the confirmation of your authentication is visible to the connection point.
Can a connection point outside the borders of Luxembourg see my RESTENA username?
Not necessarily. On most software, you can hide your email address by replacing everything to the left of "@" in your username with arbitrary data, such as "". We call this an "external" or "anonymous" identity. Nevertheless, your current email address is still necessary in the part called the "internal identity" (which is not visible, except to the Restena Foundation or your identity provider).
Is there a charge for eduroam?
No. The use of eduroam is entirely free of charge for all holders of an eduroam account, and this applies worldwide. The Restena Foundation does not invoice its own users, or the institutions that implement the service for their employees, for the provision of an eduroam account. The only investment required is to have equipment that is compatible with eduroam.
I am at university in another country, but there is no eduroam network. How can that be?
Since each university and research institution is free to choose whether or not to offer the eduroam service, it is possible that the university where you are does not offer this service. Please consult the list of access points in Luxembourg on the website, or you can find the complete list at
I am unable to install eduroam. Where I can get help?
In the first instance, please consult our dedicated documentation entitled 'Configuring your access to eduroam RESTENA'. You will find plenty of information there. If that is not enough, contact our helpdesk via email at
I cannot believe that eduroam is really free of charge. What is the catch?
There is no catch. Very often, universities offer a local wireless network anyway, and the costs generated to allow roaming are not very high. Therefore, access can easily be provided free of charge to users.
I do not have an email account at the Restena Foundation: I only have my emails redirected. Can I still use the eduroam service?
Unfortunately, that is not possible. If you do not have your own email account, you will not have a password either. But you need a password to authenticate yourself.
I have heard a lot of talk about "sniffing" on wireless networks. Can other people see what I am doing on the eduroam network?
eduroam WiFi networks must be encrypted, therefore as soon as connect to eduroam a new encrypted key is sent to you, which is exclusively for your own use and solely for this connection point. People who are nearby will not be able to obtain this data.
However eduroam guarantees this protection only on the "wireless" part, please bear in mind that you are connected to the internet, and that your data must be properly protected by your applications and/or VPN after leaving the connection point.
I work in education and research in Luxembourg. Can I use eduroam?
Depending on the institution to which you belong, the Restena Foundation may be your eduroam access provider. If you have an email account of the type and/or a RESTENA user account, the Restena Foundation manages your access.
For other research and education employees in Luxembourg, this connection is provided directly by their institutions of origin, provided that the latter have taken the necessary steps to obtain it. For this, consult the website or your IT department.
Where can I use eduroam?
Several thousand eduroam connection points are available at numerous universities, research centres and schools in Europe and beyond. Please consult the list of access points in Luxembourg on the website, or you can find the complete list at
What information about me does eduroam reveal at the connection points?
Only the authentication result (success or failure) is communicated by the Restena Foundation. At the connection point's request, the Restena Foundation can also provide a 128-bit number that makes it possible to recognise you the next time you connect to the same point, but this number cannot be used to reveal your email address or password. The number provided is identical, even if you change your external identity or use different equipment to connect.
As a teacher, can I obtain a client certificate?
Yes. As a teacher in Luxembourg with an e-mail address ending in, you are an individual user of the Restena Foundation services. As such, you can obtain client certificates.
How is the validation process organized to benefit from the TCS certificate service?
- The interested eligible institutions have first to return by e-mail to the Restena Foundation the duly completed TCS service subscription form.
- Upon receipt of this document, the Restena Foundation processes and validates the request, and then creates an entry for the interested organisation on the Sectigo Certificates Manager (SCM) platform . The validation of the organisation name and address is performed by Restena Foundation at this stage.
- The Restena Foundation contacts the future administrators of the institution with an initial password to the SCM platform, which has to be changed on first login
How can I get rid of *****SPAM***** messages?
- Go to the RESTENA User Portal, which contains all of the tools for managing your online account.
- Once you’re logged into your profile, select the ‘Change e-mail protection’ section
- In this section you can choose to activate (or deactivate) the function that suits you best
- Redirect to Inbox (default)
- Automatic moving to a ‘Junk/Spam’ folder (recommended)
- Direct deletion before downloading
Warning: The automatic direct deletion of messages marked as *****SPAM***** before downloading them to the electronic mailbox involves a certain risk of incorrectly identified mail loss.
How can I change my password?
- Go to the RESTENA User Portal, which contains all of the tools for managing your online account.
- Once you’re logged into your profile, select the ‘Change password’ section
- Enter your new password in the ‘New password’ field
- To confirm your new password, enter it again in the ‘Confirm new password’ field
- Then click on ‘Change’
How can I access the intranet resources of the RESTENA network?
- Download and install the eduVPN client on your computer, tablet or smartphone according to the operating system of your device (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android or Linux).
- Make sure you have your username and password from the institution providing your access.
Detailed configuration instructions, specific to each type of device, are described in the user manual: Configure your access to VPN 'eduVPN.
Important: For people working on behalf of National Education in Luxembourg, the IAM login credentials provided by the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth are not valid.
Note: Access to eduVPN is only available to those working at an institution connected to eduID Luxembourg.
How can I subscribe to the TCS certificate service?
- If you would like to subscribe to the TCS certificate service on behalf of your institution complete and send the TCS service subscription form by e-mail to
- If you benefit from the Restena Foundation services, and would like to get a client certificate, please send an email to A more automated procedure is currently being prepared.
How to report an incident to CSIRT?
Complete and send the "Incident reporting form" by e-mail to or contact the Restena Foundation by phone.
Does a single sign on (sso) solution exist to access to the TCS certificate manager interface?
Is there any user manual available to guide me through the TCS certificate manager interface?
Of course, the certification authority Sectigo has published a very complete knowledge base: the Sectigo Knowledge Base. As a first step, we advise you to have a look at the Sectigo® Certificate Manager Quick Start Guide.
I have subscribed in the TCS certificate service but how long will it take to activate my account?
There is no defined duration to activate your TCS certificate service, but a few working days need to be anticipated.
My institution wants to subscribe to the TCS certificate service, which name and street address is best to choose to pass validation?
- If your institution is registered in the Trade and Company Register (Registre de Commerces et des Sociétés), please use that exact name and address.
- If your organisation is a public institution, please use the exact name and address as stated on the Public Service Directory (L’annuaire des sites internet public luxembourgeois).
Where can I report a security incident?
If your institution is part of the research and education sectors in Luxembourg or if you are a user of RESTENA services, your privileged point of contact is the Restena Foundation.
Other Luxembourg public Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRTs) are to be contacted depending on the sector of activity of your entity. To find your contact person, we invite you to visit the cyber security website, section "Signaler".
Why can I not find a subscription form to the TCS certificate service in English language?
The TCS Subscriber form is a legally binding document and it is only available in French language.
Why can’t I send any e-mails?
There are multiple scenarios that can block the sending of your e-mails:
- Incorrect configuration of mail software: Check the name of the outgoing SMTP mail server. This must be encoded as follows: To help you set up your mail software, view our user manual 'Configure your email access'..
- SMTP authentication not set (‘inactive’): If the Restena Foundation is not your ISP, SMTP authentication for your e-mail client is required. To make this change, view our user manual 'Configure your email access'.
- Default port for sending SMTP e-mail is blocked: If the Restena Foundation is not your ISP, you may have trouble sending mail from our SMTP server ‘’. In this case, open the settings of your mail software and change the SMTP port used for sending by replacing 25 (default) with 587. To make this change, view our user manual 'Configure your email access'..
- Communication blocked by local firewall and other installed security software: Configure your firewall to allow the SMTP gateway to our SMTP server “”. For more information, refer to the documentation of your firewall.
Tip: You can check your Internet Service Provider with the custom network diagnostics on our Helpdesk page.
Why can't I receive (or have stopped receiving) messages in my mailbox?
There are multiple scenarios that can block the receipt of your e-mails:
- No network connection: Check that the connection to the internet / network is established correctly.
- Incorrect configuration of mail software: Make sure you have set up your incoming mail server ( and your username, then check that the proprietary Microsoft option ”Login with secure password authentication (SPA)” is not selected.
- Problem with antivirus software and/or firewall: Check that your antivirus / firewall software is working correctly. Refer to the documentation of your antivirus / firewall software
Why is the default port for sending e-mail from my electronic messaging blocked?
In an effort to limit the volume of SPAM originating from their network, some Internet Service Providers impose a restriction on their clients by blocking the default SMTP port (25) from sending messages to an SMTP server other than those which are part of their own network.
If the Restena Foundation is not your ISP, you may have trouble sending mail from our SMTP server ‘’. In this case, open the settings of your mail software and change the SMTP port used for sending by replacing 25 (default) with 587. To make this change, view our user manual 'Configure your email access'.
Note: Users connected to the internet via the Restena Foundation’s ‘DSL/Fibre Access’ service and users of the Webmail service are not affected by this restriction.
Why is my VPN connection not working (or no longer working)?
You have probably run into an authentication problem: check your username and password!
- Make sure to use and correctly enter the login details you use to login to your institution.
- If you work on behalf of National Education in Luxembourg, the IAM login credentials provided by the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth are not valid.
If the problem persists, check:
- your device is properly connected to the Internet;
- your VPN connection is correctly configured by referring to our user manual 'Configure your access to VPN ‘eduVPN’'.
Note: Access to eduVPN is only available to those working at an institution connected to eduID Luxembourg.
What kind of certificates can I get through the TCS certificate service?
- If you represent an institution and would like to obtain certificates on its behalf, you can request for 3 types of certificates: server certificates (SSL/TLS), signature certificates for items/code signing and signature certificates for documents.
- If you are an individual user in the institution, you can obtain a client certificate.
What if my own organisation is working on behalf of other organisations and would like to make them benefit from TCS certificates?
In this scenario, the Restena Foundation is alone empowered to create all the concerned organisations and make them manageable by your own organisation. Please contact us at
Who can benefit to the TCS certificate service?
The TCS certificate service is to the benefit of Luxembourg institutions operating in the sectors of education, research, culture and administration as well as to any individual users of those institutions.
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- .LU
- Network
Activate secure TLS communication on email inbox
Authenticate servers for community DNS resolvers
Configure Restena's certification authorities
Configure your access to eduroam RESTENA
Configure your access to VPN 'eduVPN'
Configure your email access
Configure your name servers on
Configure your server for the public DNS resolver
Disable your email account in the iOS-App "Mail" application on iPad and iPhone
Generate your Apple profile
Manage contact groups in Webmail
Implement eduID metadata
Mail server access information
- IPv4 address: 32-bit encoded address uniquely identifying a device on the network (e.g.
- IPv6 address: As the successor to IPv4, IPv6 offers 128-bit addresses (e.g. 2001:a18:1::83).
- ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, a communication link offering very high speeds.
- Backdoor: A programme installed automatically by a virus or manually by a malicious person allowing the remote control of the computer.
- Byte: A group of 8 bits.
- Cache: Temporary memory.
- CGI: Common Gateway Interface, a technology for running programmes on web servers.
- DNS: Domain Name System.
- Ethernet: One of the communication standards on local area networks (LANs).
- Firewall: A hardware and/or software device used to protect a local network and/or a connected machine.
- FTP: File Transfer Protocol, a communication protocol for sharing files between computers
- GUI: Graphical User Interface, a graphics-based interface for controlling software.
- HTML: HyperText Markup Language, referring to the language for creating web pages.
- HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, a protocol for the secure exchange of data on the web. Your data is encrypted before it is transmitted.
- IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol, an access protocol for electronic mailboxes.
- IP: Internet Protocol.
- ISP: Internet Service Provider.
- Java: A programming language.
- Javascript: A language for programming scripts embedded in a web page.
- Kbit/s: Kilobits per second, a unit indicating the data transmission rate.
- LAN: Local Area Network.
- MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, an encoding system for sending digital documents and ensuring the correct transmission of accented letters.
- NAT: Network Address Translation, a system for translating IP addresses between different networks.
- NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol, a protocol used for the transmission of newsgroups (articles on forums).
- POP3: Post Office Protocol Ver. 3, an access protocol for electronic mailboxes.
- PPP: Point to Point, referring to a TCP/IP protocol for transmitting data packets over a serial communication line.
- Quoted-Printable: A method of encoding binary files into text files.
- Router: A device for routing data packets from one network to another.
- SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending and distributing messages over the internet.
- TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
- URL: Uniform Resource Locator, a uniform addressing method indicating the protocol of the different services available on the internet.
- WAN: Wide Area Network.
- Wysiwyg: What you see is what you get.
- XML: eXtensible Markup Language, an extension of HTML used to create dynamic page layouts.
Obtain a customised network diagnostic
Below you'll find the network information related to your connection from the computer, smartphone or tablet you’re currently using to view this page. In particular, you can check your connection type and get further detailed information about your equipment, such as its IP address, connection point, etc.
Contact our Helpdesk
For any questions or requests for information concerning one of our services, a Helpdesk is available by phone, e-mail or via the contact form at the following times:
- from 8:00 to 12:00 for institutions
- from 13:00 to 16:45 for institutions and individuals