Virtual Server
Host your applications according to different requirements but in a secure environment

In the research and education sectors, establishments are faced with particular requirements in terms of hosting. Whether it is on their own institution's requirements or those of the educational or research projects on which their collaborators, researchers or employees are working, these requirements vary.
To name but a few examples, they may involve managing data from satellite images, to working on more contained laboratory-based projects, while resources may be shared either on an exclusively internal basis or with external partners. Faced with as many specific requirements as there are projects, institutions need a suitable and permanent hosting solution which, above all, must be able to run all types of applications in optimal conditions in terms of performance, reliability and security.
The Restena Foundation offers its research and education community in Luxembourg the rental of a dedicated virtual server hosted at its premises in Luxembourg. Its hosting infrastructure is based on the very finest virtualisation technologies, dedicated next-generation physical servers, a high-end Storage Area Network (SAN) and high-speed network connectivity.
This service offers its full potential for the running of proprietary applications or those other than the web. It represents an ideal solution for all institutions that wish to have a dedicated hosting environment, while having greater autonomy as well as flexibility in terms of the administration of their server.

More details on the service
Who can benefit?
Connected Institutions, Primary, Post-Primary and Secondary Schools, Higher Education Institutions, Research Institutes, Cultural Institutions
How to benefit?
Institutions interested in this service are invited to contact the Restena Foundation to indicate their interest.
Some useful information
A contribution to the hosting fees may be payable for this service.The terms and conditions of hosting are established by an agreement
Assistance and support