CFL and Restena offer a secure WiFi access to the research and education community
Based on the 'CFL Free WiFi' infrastructure set up by the CFL Infrastructure Manager, a new collaboration has just been established between the CFL and the Restena Foundation. Interconnecting and delivering essential network and security services to actors in research and education, health, culture and public administration in Luxembourg, Restena notably coordinates eduroam in Luxembourg, a service delivered on a global scale. As such, Restena offers its community of users a secure and automatic WiFi connection available in Luxembourg and in over a hundred other countries.
The objective of CFL and Restena is to progressively make the eduroam network service available via WiFi terminals located throughout CFL’s railway stations, railway stops and bus. eduroam is used as secure Internet access by a large proportion of daily train users. Thus, secondary school pupils, secondary school teachers, students, university professors and research institute staff, also foreign users visiting Luxembourg on an occasional basis, will automatically connect to eduroam when visiting a station where the eduroam signal is available.
Cette collaboration valorise notre infrastructure WiFi et lui ouvre un nouveau débouché à haute valeur ajoutée.
Marc Hoffmann, Infrastructure Management Director at CFL
Les services de connectivité contribuent grandement au confort de voyage et à la connectivité de la communauté éducative et de la recherche au Luxembourg qui fait partie des clientes et clients réguliers de nos trains !
Marc Wengler, Chief Executive Officer at CFL
For CFL, railway stations, railway stops, trains and buses are places of mobility where customers particularly appreciate the free and secure connection facilities they have at their disposal. Thus, they can consult information about their journey and its informative content or learn and comfortably work during their journey.
L’attrait de l’offre de transport public est étroitement lié aux services disponibles dans les différents moyens de transport. Cette nouvelle offre représente donc une étape supplémentaire dans la promotion du report modal en jouant sur les effets de synergie au niveau des écosystèmes de la mobilité et de l’enseignement du Luxembourg.
Yuriko Backes, Minister for Mobility and Public Works
Dès le lancement de la collaboration, les plus de 60.000 personnes bénéficiant d’eduroam Luxembourg par le biais des cinquante institutions luxembourgeoises participantes se connecteront automatiquement avec leurs appareils à ces points d’accès en gare. Aucune démarche ne sera à réaliser, l’infrastructure technique que nous coordonnons avec nos confrères européens leur sera pleinement accessible.
Gilles Massen, Director of the Restena Foundation
For Restena, such a collaboration enables intensifying the security and protection of the research and education community in Luxembourg, a community already benefitting from the connection within the participating institutions and via the HotCity WiFi network in Luxembourg city and Esch-sur-Alzette, and at the Luxembourg airport.
La présence étendue d’eduroam sur le sol national rend l’utilisation des transports publics encore plus attractive aussi pour les acteurs de la recherche publique et de l’enseignement supérieur et souligne l’importance que le gouvernement accorde à une connectivité rapide et efficace dans l’esprit d’une société de la connaissance, moderne et novatrice, résolument tournée vers l’avenir.
Stéphanie Obertin, Minister for Research and Higher Education, a revamped and modernised website
Modernized, the new meets today’s Internet browsing standards. Above all, it is designed for desktops, tablets and smartphones. The information is built around three main targets with the ambition to provide them more quickly with the information they need to implement and benefit from eduroam.
- The Identity Providers or those getting eduroam users online.
- The Service Providers or those offering eduroam to their visitors.
- The eduroam users or those using eduroam when travelling.
Some generic information about eduroam - including hotspot maps in Luxembourg and throughout the world - and an ‘assistance’ section are also published on the website.